NABE Nominations Process is Open
The following officer and board seats for the 2018-19 year will be up for election starting April 15:

  • Vice President, candidates must be from a state bar for this year's election. Becomes NABE president-elect July 1, 2019 and NABE president July 1, 2020.
  • Secretary, one-year term ending on June 30, 2019.
  • Three director seats, which serve two-year terms ending June 30, 2020. The three positions include one state bar director, one local bar director, and one at-large director (the latter is open to a NABE member from any type of bar association).

The deadline for nominations is 5:00 p.m. central, March 15, 2018. To read more on election criteria and rules, visit the NABE elections process page.

ABA Center for Innovation Seeks Fellows - Deadline Extended
The ABA Center for Innovation encourages and accelerates innovations that improve the affordability, effectiveness, efficiency, and accessibility of legal services. If you (or someone you know) would like to explore the challenges affecting the legal profession and our justice system and to develop solutions to those challenges, consider applying to be a fellow with the center. The deadline to apply is February 11, 2018. See criteria and process here

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