February 16, 2023

Tomorrow is Your Last Chance to Register for the Chief Executives Retreat, March 14-15

If you are your association’s chief executive, you won’t want to miss the NABE 2023 Chief Executives Retreat in Chicago, taking place just ahead of the ABA Bar Leadership Institute. The Chief Executives Retreat will take place March 14 and 15—register by tomorrow, Friday, February 17 to secure your spot and to book your lodging!

                Of Interest

Work Friendship Leads to Retention
Work friendships can aid in employee retention, according to a study from the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM). "More than convenience, close companionships at work have a significant positive impact on a person's career, job satisfaction, sense of belonging and more," says Katie Navarra, who discusses the study of both romantic and platonic work relationships here.

Culture Concerns
Whether your organization is hybrid, in-person, or fully remote, developing and sustaining a positive and productive workplace culture takes intentionality and sustained attention. Find out how and the elements to build an organization employees value here.

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Guidance for New Law Firm Leaders
"As you take charge, you'll be working with an established team, most often including the members of your management committee, your chief operating officer, your practice and industry group leaders, your office heads, and your various professional support staff," says law firm strategist Patrick McKenna. "These colleagues all have their own work patterns and entrenched habits. They want to learn how you like to operate. You need to outline your specific expectations to help others who may report to you learn how to work with you," he advises. In this Bloomberg Law article, he talks about the mistakes new law firm leaders should avoid.
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Microstress, Mega Problem
Those little stressors—the misdirected email, the always jammed copier, the switched deadlines—add to waves that can make us feel overwhelmed. Volunteer work and authentic connection can help manage it. Yes, another reason to promote bar membership and engagement. Learn about "The Hidden Toll of Microstress" here.
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Not-to-Be-Missed NABE Events

NABE New Year, Renewed Bar Webinar Series: February 23
Join NABE for the final session of the “New Year, Renewed Bar” webinar series. The final topic will focus on rejuvenating board recruitment and member engagement. Previous topics covered rethinking your association’s space and financial needs, and how adjustments can impact your association’s organizational culture.

NABE Community Roundtable - Mandatory Bar Issues: March 7
Join your NABE peers at this hour-long roundtable meeting, where we will discuss mandatory bar issues

NABE Community Roundtable - Young Lawyers: March 9
Connect with your NABE peers at this hour-long roundtable meeting, where we will discuss issues related to young lawyers.

2023 Bootcamp for New Executive Directors, Chicago, IL: March 14
NABE will hold a Bootcamp for new executive directors in conjunction with the CE Retreat on Tuesday, March 14. There is no registration fee to attend. Individuals registering to attend the CE Retreat can add the Bootcamp during registration. If you are not attending the CE Retreat but would like to register to attend the Bootcamp, please contact Emma Buell.

2023 Chief Executives Retreat, Chicago, IL: March 14-15
Join us for the Chief Executives Retreat in Chicago – the only NABE meeting exclusively designed for Chief Executives. The NABE New Executive Director Bootcamp will take place on March 14.

Steal This Idea: Launch a Lawyer Wellness Podcast

The State Bar of Georgia's Lawyers Living Well podcast is on many platforms and can now be found on SoundCloud! The podcast is a production of the State Bar of Georgia's Attorney Wellness Committee and Lawyer Assistance Program. It is a "resource for all things wellness, just for lawyers." Listen to it here.

Do you have an idea or program worth stealing? Let us know! Email information to Karen Korr at Karen@FullKorrPress.com.

Speaking of Podcasts...

Does your bar host a podcast? We want to know so we can feature them in the Bulletin and create a bar podcast directory for the NABE website. Email the name of the podcast with a link to elizabeth@elizabethderrico.com.
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