Nominations and Elections

Nominations and Elections 

Nominations are now open!

The deadline for filing electronic nomination applications is 11:59 p.m. (CST), February 15, 2025. There is no application form. Each application package should include a letter containing the name of the candidate and the office for which the individual seeks to be a candidate. The application may be a self-nomination or may be submitted by a regular NABE member on behalf of any eligible NABE member. The application package also should include a brief biographical sketch of no more than one page and a recent photo. Once completed, the application package and any additional candidate communication should be sent via email to Jessica Schaumburg (NABE Staff).

If a nomination package is defective (i.e., missing any one of the three components or the biographical sketch exceeds the page count indicated), the applicant will be notified to correct and resubmit the application by February 20, 2025.

Materials and information in the links below provide further details of the nomination process, including additional deadlines and requirements. You can learn about current Board members and their eligibility for officer or Board positions, here. Questions about the process may be sent to Jessica Schaumburg (NABE Staff) or Stacy King, Immediate Past President and Chair of the Nominations Committee.

Individuals who were not nominated by the Nominations Committee may petition to be listed on a ballot and initiate a contested election. The petition process is included in the Nomination Guidelines. Petitions are due by 11:59 p.m. (CST), April 15, 2025.

Nominating Committee

Stacy King, Federal Bar Association (Chair)
Carole Lucido,
Contra Costa County Bar Association
Lisa Chapland, New Jersey State Bar Association
Mischa Epps, The Missouri Bar
Brianna Gohlke-Clausen, Grand Rapids Bar Association and Justice Foundation of West Michigan

Contact Us

NABE – National Association for Bar Professionals

10700 W Highway 55, Suite 275

Plymouth, MN 55441

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